We offer regular classes and workshops at LA ESFÉRICA and wherever we are invited to do so.
“From a neoliberal body to a sustainable body”
The workshop focuses on four expressive and conductive bodies:
Organic body · inherited body · social body · dissident body
Through our movement, we analyse how our neoliberal society causes violence, blockages, disabilities and immobility, oppressing, dominating, manipulating, and appropriating our bodies and their presence.
This methodology will lead us to various states and situations, relating concepts such as the meaning of freedom or the lack of it; always by means of clear indications that travel through textures and images.
We will also work on how to establish a more sustainable relationship with ourselves, with others and with our surroundings, from sensitivity and openness to knowledge. We transform our being for an instant, connecting with the unlimited capacities and creativity of the body, turning on the internal engine and becoming more present, active and creative in the world.
“Contemporary Techno Dance Sessions”
For diverse bodies with or without experience.
Moving the molecules, freeing our minds, reaching together a mood, where each of us in her/his own individuality connects with other bodies and space through the strength, fluidity and multi-diversity that defines us as individuals and as a collective.
“Dancing in family”
These workshops are aimed at families with children between 2 and 7 years old.
We will play with bodies, spaces, shapes and colours. We will discover how all this affects the way we move and opens up a world of new possibilities. Paint with the body, draw maps in space, bridges, paths: This way, we will enter an adventure where the body and the diversity of elements such as; brushes, sheets of paper, fabrics, coloured ribbons, etc… open a portal to fantasy and creation, always deploying the tools provided by dance.
Catalina Carrasco teaches these workshops relating her extensive career in contemporary dance to studies and practices in plastic and visual art and her maternal experience.
“Miró Dancelab”
Miró Dancelab is based on the creative process of MiraMiró and comprises three different workshops, each targeting a different age group:
- CONSTELLATIONS: From 18 years on. Duration 2.5h (can be adapted to different needs)
A workshop on movement where we work on improvisation and immediate composition. We will create a choreography where the movement of the bodies in the space will become a new, particular and ephemeral constellation. - BIG BANG: Age 12 and 17. Duration 2 sessions x 2h (can be adapted to different needs)
We work on choreography, occupation of space and the relationship to others in space and movement using motion and our bodies as tools. At the same time we experiment on concepts related to the creation of the universe. - COLOURS IN MOTION: Ages 5 to 7 and 8 to 11 years old. Duration 2 sessions x 1h (can be adapted to different needs) How does red move? How is yellow’s voice? Departing from the paintings from Joan Miró we will play to bring colours to life, dancing them and discoveringan infinite world of figures.
Foto: Constellations workshop at the Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró de Mallorca
“CROTCH workshop”
Workshop tied to the presentation of CROTCH. When ever possible, at each new venue where CROTCH is presented, we will offer this WS prior to the local premiere. The WS is although open to anyone is aimed at the feminist, transfeminist and the LGBTI collectives.
Anyone interested in researching about gender through body motion is welcome.
We will analyse the gender stereotypes of masculine and feminine as they are understood in our society. Then these schemes will be broken to find an own body that does not require a definition and much less being classified into any dichotomic male-female cluster.
“Dance and interactive technology”
Two parallel Workshops. One for dance with Catalina Carrasco and another for interactive technology with Pure Data and or ISADORA using the smartphone as a sensor, with Gaspar Morey. After half of the sessions, both groups will join and create compositions and choreographies.
Addressed to:
- Those who “just” want to dance and investigate with the body.
- Those who “just” want to enter the technological interaction (without dancing) – Group 1. will serve as their guinea pigs.
- Those who want it all … dance and get started in the programming of technological interaction.
“Dance and Conscious Movement workshop”
There are four main types of workshops, all based on the principles listed below under Methods.
- Lonely as can be: the focus here is on individual work. We will look into how to find new ways of moving, getting out of our comfort zone, surprising others and yourself. There is a part of movement technique, another part of improvisation and research and finally a part of choreography or immediate composition, depending on the group.
- Alone or not alone: this workshop focuses on duets, trios and groups. Departing from listening to others and being in contact we will work on concepts as opposed forces, weight, (im)balance, manipulation, impulse, quotidian gestures and abstract movement. Immediate composition and choreography are also a part this workshop.
- Upside down: this workshop focuses in overcoming any limit, fear or prejudice; in taking risk and participating in complete freedom; in being able to get into, remain, resist, transform. Herein everything is valid, as long as there is consciousness.
- Create, creating, created: the focus here is on how every participant can create using her/his body, voice, relation with her/himself, with the space and with an object. Several objects are proposed; each participant chooses one and will work with it all days: insisting, deepening and repeating as to see the evolution of the material.
Dancer, choreographer, dance teacher. Graduated in contemporary dance at the Miguel Hernández University. Further dance education in Londres, Berlin, Rejkyavik, Barcelona, Madrid & Tel Aviv. She has been educated in ballet, butoh, dance theatre, contemporary dance (Limon, Graham, Release, fly-low, CI, improvisation & Gaga) she’s practising Yoga and Katsugen for several years. In her workshops she uses all the knowledge acquired during her many years of experience as a performer in several companies in Madrid, Barcelona, Majorca, Chile & Germany and her more than 10 years experience as a dance teacher. So, she applies all her own research and takes benefit of the acquired experiences. In her classes one main target is finding the own particular movement, following schemes developed by her own and that led her to find her own language.